*2018 Spring Plein Air News

The dates for the spring Plein Air 2018 event are: Wednesday, April 25 3:00-5:00 and Saturday, Apr 28 10:00-noon. This event is open to all regional youth from ages 4-18.

Those interested will gather at the Moses Austin House (by the railroad trestle). The students will choose their own subject and from the given media, paint or draw the subject. They will be given 2-2 ½ hours to complete their work.

The youth competition is divided into four age groups to be judged. Ribbons and cash prizes will be awarded. All participants receive a participation ribbon. The paintings are judged by two or more professional artists.

This year’s event is sponsored by Valle Catholic Schools.

In 2009, Valle Catholic Schools received a Conco Community Arts Program Grant through the Community Foundation of the Ozarks’ Rural Schools Partnership in the amount of $1500.00. Local artists and community supporters collaborated with Valle Staff and students to apply for the grant. The monies granted through this program have been used to fund the county wide Youth Plein Air event since.

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