V-A-L-L-E Awards – 3rd Quarter

Valle Catholic held their 3rd Quarter V-A-L-L-E Awards ceremony on Thursday, March 15, 2018 at the Church of Ste. Genevieve.

V-A-L-L-E Awards were implemented last year at Valle Catholic and are given quarterly to honor those students who consistently live virtue and exceed expectations in their character traits, work habits and academics. Students are nominated by their teachers in five areas that represent the very essence of Valle.

Students are presented with a certificate from Principal Mrs. Metzger and Pastor Father Edward Nemeth assisted by Jamie Fallert.

The V in VALLE is for Virtue. Virtue not only allows a person to do good things, but to give the best of him/herself. A student at Valle lives virtue when he/she is kind, compassionate, generous, and honest and when he/she demonstrates integrity, self-control and courage. These students faithfully followed in Christ’s footsteps this third quarter:

Alec Bertrand
Colton Lipp
Luther Sellers, Jr.
Ben Oberle
Lane Cole
Audrey Gegg
Grayson McGowan
Carter Viox
Camryn Skaggs
Chase Fallert
Kristen Drury
Nathan Schwent

The A in VALLE is for Achievement. Achievement involves all content subjects at Valle Catholic. High performance reflects students exceeding our academic expectations. These students excelled in the area of academics for third quarter:

Carli Kuehn
Gage Fallert
Brady Gansner
Logan Wise
Mikayla Basler
Jayci Palmer
Blake Naeger
Elcie Schweigert
Evan Viox
Lauren Wolk
Tyler Gegg
Alissa Grass
Macy Wolk
Abby Marzuco

The L in VALLE is for Loyalty. Loyalty is a strong feeling of support and continuing faithfulness to someone or something. Students who are loyal are always true to their school and those people in it. The students for third quarter who showed real loyalty to Valle and its members are:

Avery Schwent
Rhea Meyer
Brody Wolk
Mason Kertz
MaryKathryn McDowell
Grace Hermann
Lucas Horrell
Evan Naeger
Jensen Blum
Nicole Gegg
Carson Tucker
Michael Okenfuss

The L in VALLE is for Leadership. Leadership is defined as the ability to lead other people. Students who lead at Valle do so with courage, confidence, and most importantly, kindness. They understand that being a leader is a responsibility to set a positive example for those around them. Students who have exhibited outstanding leadership qualities for third quarter are:

Kendall Okenfuss
Alyson Meyer
Kale Schmelzle
Ben Oberle
Ben Calbreath
Sam Kuehn
Austin Naeger
Drake Meyer
Camryn Hobbs
Sam Loida

The E in VALLE is for Effort. Effort is the serious attempt to do something, and at Valle, to do it well. Students who show great effort constantly work hard to do their best. The task may not always be easy, but the feeling of knowing you gave it your all is worth it. Students who have demonstrated unwavering determination for third quarter are:

Thomas Ellis
Lucas DeCamp
Carli Kuehn
Brooklynn Brewster
Coyer Sutton
Cecilia Meyer
Ethan Wolk
Grace Cox
Hayden Vaeth
Annie Heberlie
Lane Okenfuss
Waylon Samples
Kyndal Chapman
Emma Kraenzle
Callee Naeger



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