*Trey Metzger Honored

Trey Metzger, 5th Grade student at Valle Catholic Grade School in Ste. Genevieve was recently chosen for the Do The Right Thing Award. 

​Trey is the son of Alan and Jill Metzger.  Jill has a double reason to be proud of Trey:  1) She is Trey’s mom  2) She is the principal of Valle Catholic Grade School.

Trey was honored at a ceremony on March 21st at the St. Louis City Metropolitan Police Department.  Trey’s family along with 5th Grade teacher, Ms. Natalie Grass attended the ceremony.

Ms. Grass nominated Trey for the award with these words:

Trey is always so kind to others.  He comes to school with a smile on his face and is nice to everyone.  On a Friday as we neared the end of the day, Trey did something to really make his teacher smile.  While his teacher stepped out of the room, two boys started teasing another student.  This stopped before the teacher returned.  Trey immediately stood up for the teased student.  He reported to the teacher, in front of everyone, exactly what had happened.  Trey had the courage which led to other students in the class also sticking up for the teased student.  Eventually Trey’s courage led to the entire class of 5th Graders sticking up for a classmate.  To see Trey standing up for another student, just like our recent guest speaker, John O’Leary said, was extremely heartwarming.
Courtney Bryant from KMOV presided over the ceremony assisted by law enforcement officials from St. Louis City, St. Louis County and St. Clair County.
Do the Right Thing of Greater St. Louis, Inc is a non-profit organization operating in the St. Louis area.  The mission of the organization is to work in partnership with area law enforcement agencies, schools, media and businesses to recognize and promote the positive social behaviors of school-aged youth in the region.

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