*Service With A Smile

On Friday May 4th, Valle High School Students, Faculty, Staff, and volunteers participated in Service to the Community Day in Ste. Genevieve. Valle prides itself on teaching our students to serve their community and becoming givers in life.

The day began with Mass to celebrate all of the blessings God has bestowed on our Parish, School, and Community.

Students then dispersed to places around the community including, not just parish grounds, but Ponybird (a special needs service home), Ste. Genevieve Nutrition Center, packing Aly Art Bags, and clearing trash and debris from countless yards and parks.

Over 140 people worked very hard and helped out many businesses, groups, and individuals who were in need of help.

Special thanks to Judd Naeger for his leadership on this project.

The day concluded with a traditional May Crowning.

As always, it was and is a great day to be a Warrior!

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