*Father Nemeth Officially Installed


On Saturday, August 11, Father Nemeth was installed as pastor of Ste. Genevieve and Sts. Philip and James parishes by Archbishop Robert Carlson. He made his Profession of Faith and Oath of Fidelity in the presence of the Archbishop and the faithful of both parishes.

The choir stalls were filled with 15 servers for the Pontifical Mass with Archbishop Carlson as the main celebrant. Concelebrating priests were Fr. Nemeth, Fr. David Miloscia, and Fr. Martin Lawrence, a priest from Sioux Falls, SD who was visiting the Archbishop. Deacon Jim Robert assisted at the Mass. Parish Council members from both parishes were presented to Father Nemeth.

After the Mass all of those present were invited to a reception in the DuBourg Centre. Congratulations Fr. Nemeth! We are blessed to have you as our pastor!

Special thanks to Ali Cavanaugh for the photos!

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