*Bury the Alleluia

There are times in our church year when we have to put things away or say goodbye. Lent is the time​ ​to think about the things we have done wrong…

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*Bellarmine Speech Meet

On Saturday, February 3, 2018, the Valle Catholic Speech Team participated in a Bellarmine speech meet at St. Stephen Protomartyr in St. Louis, MO. In speech meets, students in grades…

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*Math Contests

Valle Catholic 4th-8th Graders recently competed in math competitions sponsored by the MO Council of Teachers of Mathematics.  Those advancing to regionals are:  Lauren Wolk (4th Gr), Gavyn Joggerst (6th),…

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*2018 Catholic Schools Week Recap

Valle Catholic recently celebrated the 2018 edition of Catholic Schools Week.  This year’s theme is Catholic Schools: Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed. The official CSW logo brings the theme to life. The…

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*100th Day of School

Each year many students and teachers celebrate the one-hundredth day of school. Many participate in events that observe this day. Valle Catholic celebrated their 100th Day on Monday, January 29,…

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*2nd Quarter V-A-L-L-E Awards

Valle Catholic held their 2nd Quarter V-A-L-L-E Awards ceremony on Thursday, January 25, 2018 at the Church of Ste. Genevieve. V-A-L-L-E Awards were implemented last year at Valle Catholic and…

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*Scholarship Applications/Tuition Assistance for 2018-2019

TTEF Scholarship Applications for the 2018-2019 school year: TTEF_2018-2019

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*5th Grade DARE

Valle Catholic Fifth Graders graduated from the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) Program on Wednesday, January 24th​ in a ceremony at the DuBourg Centre attended by family and friends. Father…

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*Pro Life News

To mark the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision legalizing abortion, Valle Catholic students and staff participated in a local March for Life in Ste. Genevieve. This was to coincide…

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*Church Scavenger Hunts

Ste. Genevieve Parish posts a different Facebook photo each week of an item located somewhere in the church.  Classes participate by trying to guess the location/use/significance of each item.

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