*Aly is ‘Back’ at School

Aly joined her classmates for the first time on Wednesday, November 4th! Thank you Counselor Carrie Gegg, English teacher Mrs. Kirchmer and Dr. Gilligan for finding a way to bring her…

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*Nutrition Presentation

“What’s On Your Plate?” This is the topic Paula Grass, nutritionist from the Ste. Genevieve County Health department presented to Linda Kertz’s 4th and 5th grade science classes at Valle…

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*KSDK Prep Rally

<a href="http://www.valleschools.org/wp-content/uploads/2015-shirt.png"><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-7239" alt="2015 shirt" src="http://www.valleschools.org/wp-content/uploads/2015-shirt.png" width="800" height="618" /></a>

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*Earthquake Drill

On Tuesday, November 3rd, Valle Catholic held an earthquake drill. All students and staff practiced the “Drop, Cover and Hold On” technique for 60 seconds: ·DROP to the ground ·Take…

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*Safe Touch

Mrs. Angie Dalton, a trained Safe Touch instructor, gave her annual Safe Touch presentation to the students of Valle Catholic recently.  Each year Mrs. Dalton gives the gentle, non-threatening presentation on personal…

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*Halloween at Valle

Students at Valle celebrated the fall holiday with classroom parties, costume competitions, coloring contests, and crafts. Of particular enjoyment was seeing Mrs. Jan Weiler dressed as Cruella Deville with her 8th Graders…

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*Volleyball Honors

Congratulations to Valle Catholic volleyball Lady Warriors for recent honors. First Team All Region: Hannah Bahr; Second Team All Region:  Riley Wolk, Sydni Basler and Cassandra Moulton; First Team All…

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*Valle Ambassadors

A special Mass was celebrated on Wednesday, November 4, 2015 at Ste. Genevieve  Catholic Church with the Valle Catholic High School student body in attendance to share in a  ceremony to…

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*Honoring Mary During October

<div>Because October has traditionally been the month of the Rosary, students at Valle Catholic have had the opportunity to pray the Rosary a number of times throughout this month.</div> <div>The…

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*Pre-Game Fun next Friday

Friday, October 30th prior to the St. Vincent @ Valle Catholic District semi-final game,  Larry Thornton from Channel 5  (KSDK) will be in town to film pre-game festivities at Father John Dempsey Field.  Mr. Thornton…

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