*Retirements & Reassignments

The end of the school year always brings a whole range of emotions; children squealing at the thought of no homework and carefree summer days; teachers feeling a sense of accomplishment as they see the growth in their students the past 36 weeks; parents either cheerful/tearful at the impending summer! The final day at Valle Catholic this year brought it to a different level as we had to say goodbye to some familiar faces.

A retirement Mass was held on Friday, May 18th to honor 1st Grade teacher, Mary Joggerst and 5th Grade teacher, Theresa Kirchmer. Principal Mrs. Metzger presented the retirees with special gifts and proclamations for their dedication to Valle Schools. Mrs. Donna Herzog spoke on Mrs. Joggerst’s behalf and Mrs. Jan Weiler spoke on Mrs. Kirchmer’s service. The congregation included family members as surprise guests of both teachers.

A special ceremony was held after Mass to honor our beloved principal, Jill Metzger as she moves on to reassignment within the school structure. Considering Mrs. Metzger is woven into the fabric of our school, it seemed appropriate to present her with a unique quilt consisting of thumbprints from every single student and staff member who has been touched by Mrs. Metzger’s guiding hand of leadership.

Mrs. Jill Metzger (VHS ’94): Mrs. Metzger has served as grade school principal the past four years​,​ and ​she ​taught kindergarten before that. Mrs. Metzger is known for her kindness and thoughtfulness. Her daily visits to each classroom and her consistent words of encouragement will be missed. She has accepted the role as Valle Catholic Director of Admissions for the ’18-’19 school year. This part-time position will enable her to spend more time with her family ​while still ​remain​ing​ a ​vital ​part of the Valle Catholic​ mission​. Mrs. Metzger noted, “This is bittersweet. I love these children as my own, and it will be tough not serving them in the role of principal every day. However, I am excited about the opportunity to serve the school in this new capacity.”

Mrs. Mary Joggerst (VHS ’84): Mrs. Joggerst has spent 24 years teaching at Valle, 15 of those in first grade as the teaching partner of Mrs. Donna Herzog. Mrs. Joggerst is known for her hearty laugh and big generous hugs! Here is her plan for the future as she puts the lesson plan books away: “My new adventure will include taking better care of my health, spending more time with my family, working in my Kona Ice business and substitute teaching. I also plan to help my husband, Wayne, on our farm and add more pets to our family.”

Mrs. Theresa Kirchmer: Mrs. Kirchmer came to Valle in 1985 and after teaching 8th Grade that first year, has been in 5th Grade ever since. She is best known for her Homecoming parade chants with the megaphone, nuggets of knowledge, unceasing grammar policing, and teaching countless students their states & capitals. Mrs. Kirchmer summed up her 45 years as a Catholic educator: “It has been a gift to be able to live my faith and share it openly with those I teach. It is satisfying to know that​ in some small way​ I ​helped​ build the ‘City of God'”.

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