*Susan Roth Receives Archbishop May Service Award

Archbishop May Service Award

Susan Roth, daughter of Dave and Sheila Roth of Ste. Genevieve and a senior at Valle Catholic High School, received the 2014-2015 Archbishop May Service Award at the Recipients’ Award Reception on April 15th at the Busch Center of St. Louis University.

Valle Susan with Archbishop Carlson

Each year the 28 high schools in the St. Louis Archdiocese selects a senior for the award.  The award was established to honor the memory of the late Archbishop John May who was dedicated to the service of those in need throughout the archdiocese. The school nominee should be an example of commitment to community and school service as well as the desire to work for social justice.

Valle Susan and pastor

Susan, along with the other 27 recipients, participated in The Recipients’ Day of Prayer and Service on March 5th at the Cardinal Rigali Center in St. Louis.

Valle Susan and parents

Congratulations Susan and Family!

Valle Susan and family

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